Mondern Education Not Modernism
Once I thought that our nation adopting Western Styles and traditions. I thought that we should learn about science, art, different discoveries and more regarding things but we should not feel even the heat of MODERNISM.
What is the reason we
are sent here in this world? We all know our objective but we have made
our own objectives and have forgot the main aim. Modernism means modern
thoughts, modern traditions and modern style.
We should think modernly but we should not forget our religion Islam, we should try to make our surroundings better and better.
may not like to leave our traditions, cultures. Because our forefathers
have worked hard in building up these traditions. Praying Namaz was a
great tradition and in old times if anyone was sinful he didn't left
Namaz but today some of us pray 5 times a day, some pray only
Namaz-e-Jummah, and some pray only Namaz-e-Eid. We Should not leave it,
we should keep our aims strong and healthy.
Style is some what the most cruel habit our youngsters have adopted, we
are not united due to that everyone has his own point.
I would like to highlight that hijab is the Muslim
woman's proper dress, which Allah Almighty has ordered her to wear when
he said what means:
"{And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and be modest, and to display of their adornment only that which is apparent, and to draw their veils over their bosoms, and not to reveal their adornment save to their own husbands or fathers or husbands' fathers, or their sons or their husbands' sons, or their brothers or their brothers' sons or sisters' sons, or their women, or their slaves, or male attendants who lack vigor, or children who know naught of women's nakedness. And let them not stamp their feet so as to reveal what they hide of their adornment. And turn unto Allah together, O believers, in order that ye may succeed.}" (An-Nur 24:31)
Pakistan is totally a different state as it was in 1947, now different
Pakistani movies and songs are not up to Islamic Standard, they say this
modernism but they are only trying to follow non-Muslims. I recon
government should take action. Different Powers are trying to defame us
but we are still funding them by following them, please Go Back what
Islam has taught us . I we want to be the same as we were we have to
join Islam;
They were respected by respecting Qur'an
Today We are disrespected by disrespecting Qur'an
Modern Education:
For a
true Muslim being modern is not modernism nut to adopt Modern Education
and to appreciate the teachings of Islam is Modernism. Modern
Education will groom us, we will get more scientific knowledge and we
will get willing to invent new knowledge and we will make this beautiful
world. All we need to do is to not forget the Islam and Qur'an. We
could be in search to know more and more, I tell you Qur'an is full of
this knowledge. You can get knowledge about every aspect of Life. Iqbal,
Jinnah and Sir Sayyed have also sought out it as the only remedy to
fight against the nations who are at fight against us.
So Good Bye:
Say No to Modernism
but the western thoughts, and appreciate your religion Islam. Our
Pakistan is slowly and gradually turning like non Islamic powers. For a
Muslim Saint after seeing the modern Pakistan, the question araises in
his mind " Do They Really Believe in Islam? "
Month Of Ramadan is ahead save your Iman, as Islam Could save your so
much. From Here Good Bye meet you later on. GOOD BYE AND STAY TUNED FOR
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